A selectively bred mutant variant of HillBilly mushroom, Delta Hillbilly grow huge, and pack a moderately high potency, balanced spiritual & visual experience. Exclusive DankeSuper genetics, bred by Ark. Sold in 1/4 Ounce & 1/2 Ounce quantities in unadulterated form for limited time (planned end 10/15 or sooner).
For further guidance on mushroom dosage see our mushroom dosage and experience guide.
Deep in the heart of the American South, a strain lurks among the hot, humid hills. Hillbilly hails from Arkansas, and it’s a highly potent member of the our fungi family. comparable to other members of that family, like Golden Teachers and Amazonians. This strain can now be found growing naturally in 5 other continents. The stalk of the Hillbilly is a bit smaller in diameter than the cap, it starts off thicker at the top of the stalk near the cap and tapers down closer to the base of the mushroom.
People who use Hillbilly shrooms experience intense euphoria and visuals. Like all cosmic mushrooms, the Hillbilly may send a user on a powerful psychedelic trip. These trips usually beginS in 30-60 minutes, often followed by big smiles and bouts of laughter. Peak effects occur after about an hour, and can last for up to six more hours. Some users may experience changes in how they perceive time, as well as strong visuals.